88 Horse Photography Hashtags to Gallop Towards a Bigger Audience

Looking for horse photography hashtags? On this page you’ll find most — neigh, all the horse photography hashtags you could ever need to promote your horse photography.
(I do not apologize for the pun).
Anyways, if you want your photos to be seen, you’ve got to promote them in some way, right? An easy way to get more eyeballs on your work is by including hashtags with your posts. After all, people type in and click on hashtags on social media still, so you want your photos to show up in those search results.
You’ll want to pick the most specific ones to your work, but below is a comprehensive list of horse photography hashtags to choose from to get your work out there to a wider audience.
- #HorsePhotography
- #HorsePhotographer
- #HorsePhotographyOfIG
- #HorsePhotographyWorkshops
- #HorsePhotographyWorkshop
- #HorsePhotography_Feature
- #HorsePhotographyHorseRacing
- #HorsePhotographyAccount
- #HorsePhotographyBlackAndWhite
- #HorsePhotographyHorse
- #HorsePhotography📷
- #HorsePhotography🐎
- #HorsePhotographyOfInstagram
- #HorsePhotographyArt
- #HorsePhotographySession
- #HorsePhotographys
- #HorsePhotographyIG
- #HorsePhotographyDaily
- #HorsePhotographyPage
- #HorsePhotographyOfInsta
- #Horse
- #Horses
- #HorsesOfInstagram
- #HorseGirl
- #HorsebackRiding
- #HorseRiding
- #HorseRider
- #HorseRiders
- #Horsey
- #Horseback
- #HorseShoe
- #Horsemanship
- #Horse🐎
- #Horseman
- #HorseAddict
- #HorseShoes
- #HorseLover
- #HorseLove
- #Horseware
- #HorseWorld
- #HorseLife
- #HorseShow
- #HorseShows
- #Horses_Of_Instagram
- #HorseOfInstagram
- #HorseOfInsta
- #HorseRacing
- #HorsePhoto
- #HorseCrazy
- #HorseJumping
- #HorseFashion
- #HorseBlogger
- #HorseBlog
- #HorsePlanet
- #HorseTraining
- #HorsePortrait
- #HorseRaces
- #HorseArt
- #HorseGram
- #HorsePassion
- #HorseTherapy
- #HorseRescue
- #HorseOfTheDay
- #HorseTack
- #HorseSelfie
- #HorseFarm
- #MyHorse
- #Equine
- #QuarterHorse
- #EquestrianLife
- #Equestrian
- #Pony
- #Ponies
- #PonyOfInstagram
- #PoniesOfInstagram
- #PonyLife
- #PonyRider
- #PonyClub
- #PonyLover
- #PonyChallenge
- #GreyPony
- #DressUrPony
- #HappyPony
- #PonyRide
- #InstaPony
- #JumpingPony
- #DressagePony
- #PonyPhotography
Last Thoughts on Horse Photography Hashtags
If you’re looking to get your horse photography on the map, posting your work with horse photography hashtags will help you build a bigger audience over time. It’s certainly not an instant thing, but if you produce great images and couple that with a good marketing strategy, you can succeed and even start turning your horse photography into a business.
Also consider including some location hashtags when you post your work so that locals can find you, especially if you want to do client work and photograph people’s horses as a business. For example, #HorsePhotographerHouston.
We have more photography hashtags in our article The Best Photography Hashtags for Every Genre, if you have other types of photography you’d like to promote.