Welcome to ComposeClick!

Hello everyone and welcome to ComposeClick!
So what exactly is ComposeClick?
The ComposeClick site was built to educate photographers and to help photographers make smart, informed decisions when it comes to buying gear for photography.
And not only that, but to be a resource for photographers of all levels, whether you’re a beginner or pro to learn photographic techniques and stay up-to-date on the new techniques we can all use to improve our photography.
This website was created to be a community. We all get better and have more fulfilling experiences when we work together. As photographers, sure, we have competition. But I’ve found that photography attracts some of the most collaborative and creative people on the planet.
So first and foremost, ComposeClick is about creating a community. Get involved! We would love to hear from you!
Honest camera lens reviews. How tos. A community of like-minded photographers.
That’s what ComposeClick is all about.