Two Zeiss camera lenses on a black shiny surface.

36 Product Photography Hashtags

Getting into product photography isn’t easy, even if you already have a great portfolio. But once you get going with it, it can be a great way to add another type of photography to your business or even make an entire business out of just doing product photography. Many product photographers enjoy it because you…

A purple leaf with water droplets on it.

87 Macro Photography Hashtags for Growing Your Following

Amazing things can be done with macro photography. If you have an impressive macro photography portfolio but you don’t yet have a big following on social media, using macro photography hashtags can help you start growing a bigger audience. Social media users type in and click on hashtags that they’re interested in, so showing up…

A bright yellow sunflower in a field.

67 Flower Photography Hashtags for More Flowery Followers

Flower photography brings joy to people all around the world. People use flower photography as their computer and phone backgrounds all the way to framing it on their wall in their homes to have something beautiful to look at. If you want to get your flower photography out to a wider audience, a good way…

A woman selling vegetables at a market.

64 Documentary Photography Hashtags for Growing an Audience

Documentary photography is one of the most interesting types of photography in my opinion. It takes a lot of work and not having much of an audience to share it with when you start makes it feel like you’re not getting the recognition you deserve. One way you can get your work in front of…

A person holding a DSLR camera with a zoom lens on a street.

48 DSLR Photography Hashtags for More Followers

Looking to get your DSLR photography out to a wider audience? As mirrorless cameras have taken over the industry, photographers are using DSLRs less and less. However, they’re still great cameras and using one just means you’ll stand out more. A great way to sell your photography, get hired for jobs, and create more photographic…

HDR photo of a lake, pine trees, and a blue sky with white puffy clouds

69 HDR Photography Hashtags for More Dynamic Followers

If you do HDR photography, you may be wondering how you can get your work out to a bigger audience and maybe even become the next big Trey Ratcliff. Everybody’s got to start somewhere and many photographers who have built up a big social media following had a lot of help from using hashtags along…

Black and white headshot of a brunette woman looking off camera.

57 Headshot Photography Hashtags for More Portrait Business

Looking to boost your headshot photography business? Headshot photography is pretty important for the business world, but unfortunately, many photographers don’t get paid what they deserve for this kind of work. One way to get in front of more headshot photography customers is by using headshot photography hashtags that people search for on Instagram and…

A PhaseOne camera set up on a tripod in a dark setting.

31 Event Photography Hashtags for More Event Gigs

If you’re an event photographer, you know the hustle it takes to get consistent event photography work — it can be a grind. One of the easy ways you can get work is by adding event photography hashtags to social media when you publish your work. It may not lead to a huge flow of…

Two female lions next to a tree.

62 Wildlife Photography Hashtags

Looking to get some recognition for your wildlife photography? You work so hard to get that perfect shot… then you hit publish… and… crickets. Well, if you haven’t been adding wildlife photography hashtags to your work, you could be missing out on some of the low hanging fruit in terms of getting your work out…

Large green leaves with water drops.

78 Nature Photography Hashtags for Natural Engagement

You may have a great nature photography portfolio under your belt but it can be frustrating and difficult to gain traction on social media if you just hit publish and don’t do anything else. An easy thing you can do to get people to notice your work more is to include nature photography hashtags with…

A couple leaving their wedding ceremony.

113 Wedding Photography Hashtags for More Wedding Gigs

If you’re starting out in wedding photography or if you’re at any point in your wedding photography career, you know what a challenge it can be to attract clients. Using wedding photography hashtags is far from having a totally comprehensive marketing strategy, but it definitely can give you a boost when used consistently on your…

A sand dune in a desert with a night sky and stars in the background.

74 Night Photography Hashtags for Lighting Up Social Media

Looking to shine a light on your night photography work? Night photography hashtags can help to get your photos in front of a wider audience. If you just post your photos on social media without doing any promotion, fewer people will notice. But if you include night photography hashtags, there’s a higher chance that more…

A newborn baby with a hat on sleeping in a basket with a stuffed animal bear.

62 Newborn Photography Hashtags for More Newborn Photo Sessions

Newborn photography hashtags can be used to get your newborn photography work out there to people who are interested in it. If you’re a newborn photographer, many of your potential clients start their search on social media to find a photographer in their area with a style that they like. By presenting your best work…

A landscape with mountains and a blue lake with the sun shining through clouds.

61 Landscape Photography Hashtags for Landing New Followers

You may have some great landscape photography work under your belt but it can be frustrating not to have much recognition for your work. Social media is a good place to start showcasing your work and building up a following. You can get a little boost to your followers and have your work seen by…

People in front of a map mural; two women posing for a photo, a young girl looking at a man doing a hand stand.

22 Reasons Why I Love Street Photography

The point of street photography is lost among many people, even by photographers who shoot other genres. Street photography is one of my great passions in life. But why? That’s what I’ll be talking about in this piece. These are the reasons why I love street photography. 1) It’s an Artistic Outlet Street photography is…

An old film camera with a waist-level viewfinder.

Photography as an Art Form

From the moment photography was invented in 1839 to the middle of the last century, a heated debate has raged on whether it is a form of art, or simply a way of using an optical-mechanical contraption to document reality. Now we know that photography is indeed an art form, moreover, its unique features make…

A bright white moon against a dark black night sky.

What Photography Means to Me [After 30+ Years in The Field]

Every once in a while, someone asks me why I spend my time looking at the world through a viewfinder. I’ve even heard comments like, “It’s not like it’s really art, right?” What’s interesting is that explaining what drives me to do what I do isn’t as easy as it sounds. It isn’t that I…

An old Coronet film camera and leather case on a wood table.

Photography Categories List for Photographic Inspiration

We all need a starting point or some inspiration at times when it comes to photography. So whether you’re starting out and want to know what types of photography you could do or you need a spark to get you motivated to try out a new form of photography, this photography categories list should give…

Guy shooting a landscape photo in the middle of a desert canyon

Best Photography Websites From Around the Web

When it comes to photography, you can learn pretty much everything you need to know on the Internet—for free. The thing is, though, is that all the photography information is spread out all over the Internet, making it hard to find and decipher the best ones out there. Sometimes the best photography websites for whatever…