Best Photography Websites From Around the Web

Guy shooting a landscape photo in the middle of a desert canyon

When it comes to photography, you can learn pretty much everything you need to know on the Internet—for free. The thing is, though, is that all the photography information is spread out all over the Internet, making it hard to find and decipher the best ones out there. Sometimes the best photography websites for whatever reason don’t make it to the top of the search engines, at least if it’s a relatively new site.

I’ve been around the photography scene for some years now and learned the majority of what I know about photography from completely free sources on the Internet and good old fashioned trial and error. I thought I’d give back to the photography community and help people find good sources of information and inspiration for whatever type of photography you may be interested in.

When I started in photography, I was all over the place—I was interested in a million different types of photography. And while it’s obviously great to be versatile and learn various skillsets within photography, it’s still best to find your niche, or a few niches as a photographer.

In photography, it’s better to be an expert in one field rather than a jack of all trades. I’m a firm believer in the 10,000-hour rule: it takes 10,000 hours to become a true expert in something. It’s easier to do that when you really hunker down and focus on one thing rather than spread yourself too thin trying to do everything. Skills from one type of photography often do transfer to several other types, but I think it’s best to master one type of photography at a time.

It may seem contradictory that I’m about to list off a lot of sites here but the point is so that you can dip your toes into a bunch of different types of photography so that you can get a good idea of what works for you.

The first category is more general and then the following categories are in alphabetical order by category. So without further ado, here are the best photography websites/pages the Internet has to offer. These links are for learning photography, improving your photography and inspiration.

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