A dark-haired woman from the waist up.

2 Simple Steps to Blur the Background of a Picture Using Just Your Camera

I think it’s safe to say that pictures with blurred backgrounds can be extremely impressive and inspiring. I know that a lot of photographers just starting out assume that it’s done in post-processing in Photoshop or whatever. But there’s a far better way to achieve a blurred background than by editing it in. The best…

An out of focus crowd of people at an event.

3 Reasons Why Your Pictures are Blurry

It can be annoying to have your pictures turn out blurry and not know the reason why. The good news is that there are only a few reasons why photos turn out blurry, so it’s easy to correct course by by adjusting some aspect of how you’re using your camera.

A bride putting her hand on the groom's cheek while wedding attendees applaud.

The Ultimate Guide to Wedding Photography: What You Should Know Before Taking that First Wedding Job

Are you just getting started in wedding photography and looking for a resource to walk you through the ins and outs of shooting an entire wedding day? Or perhaps you’ve been shooting or second shooting wedding photography and want to fill in some of those gaps in your overall strategy. There’s always more to learn…

Closeup of the Nikon SB-700 flash.

Nikon SB-700 Review: A Solid Mid-Range Flash

The Nikon SB-700 is Nikon’s mid-tiered flash, in terms of size, overall features, and price. Nikon positions it as a flash for amateur photographers, but can be used professionally, albeit with maybe some added accessories. In terms of my own assessment of this flash, overall I do like it and have gotten a ton of…

A black iPhone 7 Plus outside in natural light.

iPhone 7 Plus Review [REAL WORLD REVIEW]

The iPhone 7 Plus is Apple’s current iteration of their phablet-sized iPhone, albeit one that is rumored to be replaced in here in a couple months in September 2017. The iPhone 7 Plus is the cell phone that I’m currently using for the time being and a big reason I bought it was for the…

Yellow flowers in a flower pot next to a white fence.

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Depth of Field

Understanding depth of field is an important part of being able to control the outcome of your images in photography. The look of any given image will be strongly influenced by the depth of field of that image. So in order to be able to consistently have control over your pictures, it’s important to be…

A camera mode dial set to shutter priority.

A Guide to Understanding Shutter Priority Mode

Shutter priority mode is a semi-automatic camera mode in which the photographer chooses one component of the exposure triangle (shutter speed), the camera takes a meter reading when pointed at a given scene and does the rest of the work for you by choosing the aperture value that it thinks will get the most accurate…

Aperture blades of a lens opening.

A Guide to Understanding Aperture Priority Mode

Getting your exposure right while also achieving the depth of field you’re looking for can be tricky at times, especially if you’ve got to get some exposures off quick or you’re in a hectic situation. Luckily we have several camera modes at our disposal to make our lives easier as photographers in these situations, and…

A camera mode dial set to P mode.

P Mode in Photography: When and How to Use it

Just got your first camera and wondering what that ‘P’ on your mode dial is? Understanding program mode is one of the first steps in the natural evolution of getting out of auto mode and learning to take control of your camera. While program mode does have severe limitations compared to manual mode, learning to…

Image showing high ISO in photography of New York cityscape at night

ISO in Photography [A Complete Guide]

In photography, ISO is a measurement of how sensitive a given film or camera sensor is to light. ISO is named after the International Standards Organization, an organization that determines and sets the standards for measurement for this sensitivity. Originally, before digital photography came along, ISO just referred to how sensitive a film was to…

Shutter speed

Understanding Shutter Speed

Shutter speed, along with aperture and ISO are the three components that make up the exposure triangle. In this article, I’ll do my best to put shutter speed in as simple a terms as I can. First of all, what is a camera’s shutter? There are various types of camera shutters, but a shutter is…

Picture of a lens with a focus on its small aperture

Aperture in Photography: Explained in Simple Terms

Aperture makes up part of what I like to think of as the exposure triangle, the other two components being shutter speed and ISO. In this article I’ll focus on what is aperture in photography and how it affects photographs. So what is aperture in photography? The easiest way to think about aperture is that…

Guy shooting a landscape photo in the middle of a desert canyon

Best Photography Websites From Around the Web

When it comes to photography, you can learn pretty much everything you need to know on the Internet—for free. The thing is, though, is that all the photography information is spread out all over the Internet, making it hard to find and decipher the best ones out there. Sometimes the best photography websites for whatever…

Landscape picture taken from high vantage point of river on sunny cloudy day

The Best Nikon Lenses for Landscape Photography

In my opinion, lens selection for landscape photography is a lot less subjective than other types of photography. What I mean by that is that other types of photography give you more leeway for choosing to use a lens based on your personal style, whereas with landscape photography, there are a few focal lengths you…

An image of a turkey and a Thanksgiving table set to show an example of Thanksgiving photography

Thanksgiving Photography: A Guide to Taking Great Thanksgiving Photos

Ah, Thanksgiving – who doesn’t love getting together with family you haven’t seen in a year to argue over politics? Regardless of your political affiliation, doing Thanksgiving photography is not only a cool way to show how your family grows from year to year but also gives you some good shots to choose form if…

featured image of the best nikon lenses for portrait photography

Best Nikon Portrait Lenses: 9 Top Picks

There is no “perfect” portrait lens. And contrary to what some may try to make you believe, there’s no one lens you HAVE to have. There’s more than one way to skin a cat when it comes to portrait photography and any type of photography for that matter. There are so many different stylistic choices,…